Every business small or large has a fundamental need to track its income and expenses as well as keeping a handle on their assets and liabilities. There are a variety of good reasons for establishing and maintaining an organized paper flow… getting meaningful feedback on the financial health of the business is the first and foremost benefit. After that there are things like keeping the IRS happy, which makes sleeping at night easier.
Most small businesses start out with one person who is wearing all the hats… managerial, sales, administration and the daily grunt part of the job. Anyone who has ever built a successful business will tell you the key to success is to delegate those hats to trusted affiliates before the weight of all that responsibility buries you. My services take some of that administration weight off your shoulders by assisting you to keep an accurate set of books. I can’t do it entirely on my own… it does take a fair amount of organization from the field operations and part of my job is helping you set up a system that makes the paperwork flow as easy as possible.
I tailor my services to my client’s needs. While some businesses can get by with a once a year review and summary that satisfies their tax reporting needs. Those that have experienced good growth and maybe have one or more employees working with them benefit from a monthly program that includes quarterly payroll reporting and monthly financial statements essential for making educated business decisions that effect future growth and stability.
The first step is always up to the business owner. They have to first recognize the necessity of hiring a professional to assist them with their bookkeeping needs and second they have to pick up the phone or shoot me an email to ask for my assistance. My first consultation is always free. I sit down with you and we discuss your current situation and formulate a plan to achieve the goals for the future.